
What happened in China ,360 will kill QQ ?

360 will kill QQ ?

  China's second provider of client360 PK China's first provider of client Tencent QQ !360 framed QQ (Chinese version) to scan your hard drive,but 360 said that to make its a new product know by more users,and scramble more market share from  Tencent QQ.What is the worse ? QQ,Baidu,Maxthon,Kingsoft and Keniu reject to 360.

  As Chinese netizen,I want to know what happened in my comouter,whether they are protecting my PC ?If 360 transplants wood procedure maxwell into mine.Oh,My God.How can I learn?And what to do next?My intimacy need to helping.But I think it will not be worse bacause of lacking of maturity!I hope they will give a satisfactory answer Internet users in China!

  As the most successful Internet service company,Facebook transgress Google ,but Google improve itself to compete Facebook.I should  avoid to malicious competition.

Now,these two companies are fighting!

